
Optimize Capital Structure

Capital structures inevitably change as a company’s structure, risk profile, strategy, operating environment and competitive landscape alter. And for some companies, the exit plans of the principal owners can affect timing and composition of the capital structure.

Build Scalability within Strategies

Cielo has expertise in creating, building and monitoring the critical human and physical infrastructure in companies. This process-focused approach yields predictability, security, economy and transparency – all which are critical to growth.

Provide C-Suite Horsepower

Cielo provides short-term and interim senior level management input and aid, which is often required with companies in transition. Transitions may include divisional sales, acquisitions, mergers or the implementation of new operational plans.

Cost Reduction

While scalability and growth are paramount, a firm should not lose sight of its costs and expenses.  Cielo aids companies with the implementation of rigorous and durable systems of cost control, with a particular focus on indirect costs and unexpected costs. Ultimately, there has to be a system of accountability that yields improvement and positive reinforcement.

Family Planning

This often includes solutions that address the personal and professional requirements and needs of family members. Cielo has collectively over eight decades of experience in estate planning, insurance and tax optimization for important families.

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